Press release
The exhibition 'As leaves fall' at the Vlaho Bukovac House Museum in Cavtat (presented within the 'Decimale' programme) introduces Amel Ibrahimović, an artist who focuses on the question of identity and a sense of belonging. Using wall drawings, the artist conveys the atmosphere of his grandparents' Bosnian garden to the Museum's space where Vlaho Bukovac was born and where he lived for some time. The garden, which is almost a must in every house in Cavtat, has been closed in the inner space in a way to emphasise its particularity and universality by blending 'korta' and 'avlija'. In addition to the drawings on the walls, a number of children's one-minute drawings have been displayed in the foyer. The drawings have been made based on the paintings by Danish and European surrealists who are considered to be the foundation of European modern art. Ibrahimović places a billboard with an architectural drawing made by his father in 1997 in the Museum's upper garden ( a potential building site) in order to emphasise the overall atmosphere of mass tourism and 'entrepreneurship'. His father made the drawing for the project called 'Business Kalesija – Ways to acquire office space' and Ibrahimovic uses it as a paradigm for commercializing space.